Hi Hip-Hop Dancers of this great df kingdom, First of all, a million thanks to those who came for last session on Monday (10th March 2008)! We certainly hope that you had enjoyed the session with Carol. Just a reminder on our next dance session:
Date/Day: 13th March 2008(Thursday)
Time: 6:30pm to 8pm
Venue: NIE Dance Room (Block 5, Level 2)
Instructor: Willy Ong (Diploma PE Year 1)
Attire: Casual, comfortable, loose clothing, minus footwear (As hip hop as possible!)
As mentioned by both Rachel and Faizal, we are collecting membership fees for joining the club (royalty) and they are really affordable and a great bargain! Here's the breakdown of fees:
1. For current members and those who just joined after 6 March (NIE/NTU)à $15
2. For foreign exchange students from NTU (till April) à $10
Wait! There's another perk! For such affordable rates, the amount is valid for one SEMESTER! Which means u pay for 6-months' worth of dance professional lessons and many opportunities for learning and performing! Where else can u get such deal right? *smiles* *tempted again yeah?
Our treasurer (Yani) shall start collecting the fees from this Thursday ( 13th March 2008) onwards. So please remember to bring cash!!! No nets, credit card or cheque allowed!
Do visit our club's blog @ http://dancefuzion.blogspot.com for more info and updates. Hope to see you guys this Thursday!
Chai Huat
Mr Secretary
Dance Fuzion
*i made some amendments!